Friday, May 21, 2010

Vaeh's IEP

We had Miss Vaeh's IEP this morning, & it went well! Someone will be going to preschool 4 days a week next year, & getting some time with the PT once a week! Oh, & she'll be riding a school bus!! Guess that means I'm gonna have to cut the cord & let Gabie ride one, too:0/

They said that basically she is caught up, but is still needing some "fine tuning" on a few things, like jumping, hopping & balance. So those will be some of the things they work on next year. She'll start back up in September & go through June of 2011... wow, that's just not right! 2011?!?! Geesh, where does time go?!

As for Miss V now... well, we've been dealing with a fever, upset tummy & being sleepy. The sleepy part is affecting both of us:0/ Hopefully its just her 4 year molars coming in & nothing more. Her gums are looking quite white as if they are trying to come in, so hopefully that's all it is!

Oh, & we got some great news this morning... the little guy that I've been babysitting for became a big brother this morning!!! Congrats Josh, Abbey & Noah on the arrival of Adalynn Elaine! She's beautiful... can't wait to meet her!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Where to begin? I know that this is the longest I've gone without posting since I began this blog. Time seems to have gotten away from me. Life has taken over... in a good, "normal" way!

The latest has been getting ready for Gabie's dance recital coming up the first weekend in June. She's so excited! Dance classes started back in the fall, just as she was starting school. The dance season is coming to an end & its prep time for recital. So we took photos of her & my cousin Leslie (who is in her 10th year of dance... congrats, Leslie!), & Miss V last week so we could put them in the program. Here's the three girls together. We just had to include Vaeh in the photos... she wanted to be a ballarina, too!

Aren't they adorable?! I can't wait to see my little ballerina on stage! We're already planning for next year... two in dance class:0)

Miss Gabie also had another big day... her first Daddy-Daughter Dance! Her school PTO put the event on. They had all sorts of little things for the girls to do like getting their finger nails painted, having "tattoos" put on, & all sorts of little trinkets. They also had a spot to have their photo taken, too! Then it was on to the dance floor! Gabie & Daddy danced to "Butterfly Kisses". Made me tear up - 'sniff, sniff'! She had a wonderful time, & Daddy did as well. She even had a pretty little corsage for the night...

It pays to know people in the florist buisness ;0) ;0)!

Then another big first happened for Miss Gabie... she lost her first tooth! I couldn't believe it. I went to pick her up that day from school, & here she came with a little baggie. "Mom, Mom, I pulled my tooth today!" WHAT?!?! Boy she's not my kid... I was the one that let them go until they hung on by a thread. Not Miss Gabie, she pulled it right out herself after lunch at school that day. So they gave her a cute little treasure chest to bring it home in. And of course, that night the "Mole-i-nator" showed up (aka the Tooth Fairy). She's called "him" that since she watched The Santa Clause 2. My, she's growing up way too fast! See the big hole the tooth left...

Her permanent tooth is making its entrance, & in the process has helped the next tooth over loosen a bit! She can't wait for that one to come out, too!

As for Miss Vaeh... she's having fun being a normal happy, healthy 3 year old! She really enjoys going to school on Monday, as well as seeing "Miss Barb" for therapy. Her school year is coming to an end (along with Gabie's) & so we have her IEP this Friday. From what her therapist tells me, there's a good possibility that she'll get a 'spot' in a classroom setting next year. Which means that both my girls will be in school! Vaeh would go Monday thru Thursday for about 2 and a half hours each day, plus therapy time in addition! I can't believe how fast time has flown! It seems just like yesterday we were freting over her upcoming surgery to complete the repair, & now its been 2 years (May 15th) that she's been fixed! Simply amazing that 2 years ago, this is what my baby girl looked like...

And just look at her now!

(*PS - Jen - that card she is holding is the Valentine y'all sent her! She loved it & carried it around for nearly a month! Gabie had been getting birthday cards in the mail, so it really made her day that SHE got mail!)

Overall we're doing really well. Things are tight, but who doesn't have that problem these days?! I'm trying to add another kiddo to my babysitting list, other than the one that will be arriving this Friday to her Momma & Daddy! (Congrats Josh, Abbey & Noah... we can't wait to meet her!) Just trying to live life to the fullest! This is the first summer that we won't have to worry about going outside to play... Miss Vaeh is doing quite a good job of keeping up with her big sister!